The Productivity Planner Advantage: Features to Boost Your Efficiency

Here’s a closer look at the 8 key benefits of incorporating the Productivity Planner into your routine:

This powerful tool goes beyond being a mere notebook
—it’s your trusted ally in the battle against overwhelming to-do lists.

Here’s why you’ll love it:


Disclaimer: All opinions are my own. This post contains affiliate link.

The 8 key benefits

Let me list the benefits

1Pomodoro Power
2Gratitude is the Secret Sauce – “Five Minutes Journal” vibe
390-Day Planning Power – Undated 90 days
4Self-Reflection – Your Key to Improvement
5Assistant Preface – Guidance of how to use each page
6Stylish and Built to Last
7Prioritization Pro
8Ample Space for Note Taking
(a list of 8 benefits of Productivity Planner by Intelligent Change)

Let’s dive right-in each

1. Pomodoro Power : Focus Time Method


This planner introduces you to the Pomodoro Technique,
a time management method
that breaks down work into focused 25-minute intervals
with short breaks in between.

The Pomodoro® Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. It is a structured method made up of processes, tools, principles, and values to learn how to deal with time and turn it from a vicious predator to an ally to boost productivity. It is based on a series of principles built on self-observation and awareness. 

Cirillo, Francesco. 2019. The Pomodoro Technique. Retrieved from

Ref : 5 Pomodoro Technique Tips from 20+ years of biz experience

This planner goes beyond the basic explanation
by introducing two variations:
– Hit the Target method
– Get it Done method

Interesting. What are those?

The Hit-the-Target Method is a method to improve productivity by focusing on the task with time-box.
The Get-it-Done method is by focusing on the completion of the task.

The preface introduces the methods you can try
to increase your productivity.

2. Gratitude is the Secret Sauce

Have you ever used
“Five Minutes Journal”
by the same publisher – Intelligent Change ?


The Intelligent Change produces the Journal
called “Five Minutes Journal“,
which is a Gratitude Journal
you can do every morning and evening just with 5 minutes.

I heard that word – “Gratitude Journal” – on the social media.
What does this Productivity Planner do with it?

Gratitude itself has the power of improving productivity,
that has been scientifically approved in many academic research.

This planner introduces the Gratitudes every morning and evening on daily page.


That sounds great.
I can utilize the power of Gratitude as part of this Planner.

That is right.
By fostering a positive mindset,
you’ll feel happier, more motivated, and even more productive!

3. 90-Day (undated) Planning Power

This planner takes a 90-day approach,
giving you the perfect amount of time
– train time management skill
– build a focus skill
– develop reflection habits
– track your progress like a champ.

That is awesome.
Also I like Undated format,
so that I can start any date of the year.

You’re right.
Life is short.
we should not wait for next Quarter, nor next year to start !

4. Self-Reflection – Your Key to Improvement


The planner isn’t just about today,
it’s about constant improvement.

This planner provides you
Weekly review & Weekly Plan sections
that help you
– assess your progress
– identify areas for improvement
– tweak your strategies for even better results.

This sounds good.
Each week provides template for Review and Plan,
which is very helpful for me.

5. Assistant Preface


This Planner opens with a quick guidance section,
providing :

– instructions on how to use the each section
– scientific evidence / case study

You can access these pages anytime,
as it is included as part of the Planner.

6. Stylish and Built to Last:

You can choose from 2 cool cover colors.

Plus, it’s crafted with high-quality materials
that can handle your busy lifestyle..

Bound in 100% natural fabricA5, measures approx. 5.7″ / 14.5 cm W x 8.26″ / 21 cm H100% cotton sew bind
Bound in 100% natural fabricA5, measures approx. 5.7″ / 14.5 cm W x 8.26″ / 21 cm H100% cotton sew bind
Based on the information as of Mar.19, 2024

I really enjoy linen cover 🙂
it is such a warm cozy touching.


7. Prioritization Pro:

We all need to learn to
identify the most important tasks
– allocate your time effectively
– focus on what truly matters.

How ?

The preface introduces 1 way to prioritize the task.

Option.1 : “most important usually = most uncomfortable / most procrastinated upon” per Time Ferris


Also we can try Eisenhower Matrix

Option.2 : Eisenhower matrix

Use the Eisenhower matrix and pick the task
in the “Do First” box
(the most urgent and the most important)

 Reference :

8. Ample Space for Note Taking:

Each daily spread includes a free page dedicated for note taking.

This allows you to capture additional thoughts, ideas, or meeting minutes alongside your daily plan.

You can be creative how to use this page to improve you.


I summarized the 8 key benefits of theProductivity Planner by Intelligent Change.

At the same time, I see there are some disadvantages as well. I recommend that you also confirm them before purchase.

Increase Focus with the Productivity Planner. Give it a try!

Hope these contents help the users who are thinking about which weekly planners to try. You can also refer to this post as a reference.