An Honest Review of the Five Minute Journal: Boost Happiness in 5 Minutes

Feeling overwhelmed by daily stress?
Struggling to find moments of peace and positivity?

Imagine taking just 5 minutes each day
to transform your outlook.

The Five Minute Journal isn’t your typical, time-consuming journaling method.

This powerful tool offers a structured approach
focused on gratitude, affirmations, and reflections,
acting as your personal roadmap
to a happier, more fulfilling life.

In today’s world of constant noise and distraction,
the Five-Minute Journal
provides a sanctuary of clarity and intentionality.

It gently guides you towards a more positive mindset,
boosting your happiness, productivity, and overall well-being.

Ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and positive change?

Join me as we explore the profound impact
that the Five-Minute Journal can have on your life.

Disclaimer: All opinions are my own. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.


What is the Five Minute Journal?

The Five Minute Journal by Intelligent Change is

  • a gratitude journal
  • undated 180 days (1 page per day)
  • guidebook in the front
  • structured with prompts for both morning and evening reflections
  • daily quoate and weekly challenge

It is based on the concept that taking just a few minutes each day
to reflect on positive aspects of life
can lead to improved well-being and happiness.

My Experience with the Five Minute Journal:

Instructions, Evidence, Case study

The journal opens with a quick guidance section,
providing :

– instructions on how to use the journal effectively
– scientific evidence / case study
– importance of positive thinking
– benefits of gratitude

My expericne

It’s been amazing to have the instructions right there
in the book for quick reference.

But let’s be honest,
starting something new can be confusing at first.

I found myself wondering things like:
Why am I doing this?
What are the benefits of this prompt?
What’s the deal with the Weekly Challenge?

Even after checking the guide pages,
sometimes things slip my mind.

That’s why I started highlighting key sentences
that resonated with me.

Understanding what each prompt means
makes a huge difference in keeping me accountable.

A guide runner for the first 5 days

For the first 5 days,
the journal will accompany you and teach you
1. how to use each daily page
2. how to create a new journaling habit (baby step.1)

1. how to use each daily page

Sample page is provided


2. how to create a new journaling habit (baby step.1)


Commitment -> Affirmation -> Accountability -> Journal for 5 days -> Commitment review

My CommitmentIt prompts you to create a commit that will continue to be journaled for next 5 consecutive days
The Sticky SolutionIt leads you to think
– your biggest challenge
– remedies to the challenge

Based on the above,
you setup:
– your Identity Statement
– obstacles that stop you from writing Journal
– solutions for the obstacles
Accountabilityit introduces few solution to be accountable.
– joining the same tribe group
– habit track apps
The Journal5 days (5 pages) journal
Commitment ReviewIf you complete,
then you will get the reward
you setup in “My commitment”.

If you fail to complete,
you can get stress action
you setup in “My commitment”,
such as donating $100 to charity.

My experience

I’m a total habit tracker addict.

There’s something so satisfying about ticking off a box
and saying “YAY ME

(Let’s be honest, those little wins add up!)

That’s why I decided to squeeze in
a 5-minute journaling habit
to my morning and evening routines.

My morning routine used to look like this:
meditate, then coffee.

Now, it’s meditate, coffee with a side of journaling
(for 5 minutes, of course).

And you bet I have a cute little tracker
to mark it off each day.

Evening routines were all about bedtime stretches.

Now, it’s stretches
followed by 5 minutes of journaling magic.

The checkmark for that one
goes in the tracker the next morning.

Sure, there are days I forget.

We all do!

But when I get back on track,
I don’t stress
– I just give myself a double checkmark
for getting back on that journaling horse 🙂

Real Run Starts on Day 6th

After you experienced the 5 days challenge,
you start doing on your own.

Each day (each page) comes with…

  • an inspirational quote or weekly challenge
  • morning routine
    • I am grateful for… (3)
    • What should make today great? (3)
    • Daily affirmation
  • night routine
    • Highlight of the Day (3)
    • What did I learn today?

My experience

Hitting a Gratitude Wall

A few weeks into using the Five-Minute Journal,
I realized I was repeating the same things
I was grateful for every day.
“Supportive spouse,”
“fresh winter air,” …
you get the idea.

It felt a little stale.
So, I went online to find some inspiration.
There’s a whole world of gratitude prompts and quotes out there! These little gems helped me dig deeper
and find new things to appreciate.

Now, whenever I need a spark,
I check out these resources:
365 Daily Journal Prompts For A Whole Year Of Self-Discovery
30 Daily Gratitude Affirmations For Living Your Happiest Life
15 Gratitude Journal Prompts to Inspire Daily Reflection

Doubts and Digging Deeper

Around the one-month mark,
I wasn’t sure if the journal was working.
I hadn’t noticed any major changes.

But I was starting to build a journaling habit,
and I didn’t want to quit after 180 days!

That’s when I decided to revisit the journal’s preface.
(Let’s face it, sometimes we skim the first time.)
Re-reading it with fresh eyes
made all the difference.
The meaning of each prompt really clicked this time.

From Facts to Feelings

I also realized I’d been focusing on listing things I liked,
not how they made me feel.

“Supportive spouse” became “Feeling incredibly grateful for my spouse’s unwavering support, it gives me so much strength.”

Journaling wasn’t exactly my forte,
so expressing emotions was a challenge.

But this shift made a huge difference!

Instead of passively listing facts,
I was actively connecting with my feelings.

This deeper connection led to new insights, joy, and a sense of peace.

A Powerful Tool

At one time I faced the critical situation of my health condition.

Focusing on gratitude during this challenging time
helped me identify positive aspects I might have
otherwise overlooked.

It reminded me of my supportive network,
my healthcare options,
and the importance of living each day
to the fullest.

4 Tips for Using the Five Minute Journal:

Upon being a friend of the Five Minute Journal,
I realized a few things.
I put my takeaway here as tips.

Tip #1: Stop Overthinking, Start Journaling!

Everywhere I turned,
the Five-Minute Journal seemed to be popping up
– social media posts, articles, even on the news.

With all this hype,
I couldn’t help but wonder:
does it actually work?

I dove into some research,
but honestly,
I wasn’t quite sold.

Luckily, a friend gifted me a journal,
and that little nudge was all I needed to give it a try.

It Worked
(Especially for my Health)

This journal has brought a new kind of peace of mind
to a specific area of my life:
my health and well-being

Here’s the thing:
the Five-Minute Journal isn’t about getting hung up on “will this work?”
The magic is in the doing.

Just like learning a new language or instrument,
the more you practice,
the better you become.

The cool thing is,
the more you use the journal,
the more you discover.

You might start with questions,
and the handy preface sections
can offer some great insights.


with consistent use,

you’ll find yourself getting more comfortable
with looking inward,
expressing gratitude,
and reflecting on your experiences.

Also my 2 cents is
to focus on something you’ve been finding psychologically challenging.

Tip #2: When Inspiration Runs Dry, Dive into the Gratitude Oasis!

Hitting a gratitude snag is totally normal.

It happens to the best of us.

But before you throw in the towel,
there’s a whole world of resources waiting
to reignite your spark.

Here’s how to tap into the gratitude oasis:

  • The Prompt Powerhouse:

    Search for “gratitude prompts” or “gratitude quotes” online.
    These gems are like tiny keys that unlock a treasure trove of thankfulness within you.

    From philosophical musings
    to lighthearted questions,
    these prompts will get your gratitude muscles
    flexing in no time.
  • The Five-Minute Journal’s Weekly Challenge Gift:

    This handy journal offers up
    a fresh weekly challenge every several days!

    These prompts are a fantastic way
    to kickstart your daily entries
    and explore new avenues of gratitude.

    The prompt like: “The funniest thin”Song I loved when I was younger is xxxxx, Listen and dance to it today”
    Let the memories and warm fuzzies flow.

    (I don’t dance,
    but listening the childhood memorable song provides me some sort of peace)

Tip #3: From Facts to Feels: Weaving Gratitude’s Golden Thread

In the beginning,
your gratitude journal might be a simple list of things:
fresh air,
a cuddly cat,
a supportive spouse.

While these are all fantastic things to be grateful for,
adding an emotional layer
takes your gratitude practice
to the next level.

Here’s how to weave the golden thread of feeling into your journal:

  • Feel the Freshness:

    Instead of just writing “fresh morning air,”
    delve deeper.

    Describe how the cool breeze invigorates you,
    making you feel connected to nature.

    Express your gratitude
    for the simple ability
    to breathe deeply
    and appreciate the world around you.
  • Cuddles and Chemicals:

    Don’t just say “warm kitty.”

    Describe the purring warmth
    that melts your stress away,
    the release of oxytocin (the feel-good hormone!)
    that strengthens your bond with your furry friend.

    This emotional detail
    makes your gratitude for your feline companion
    even more profound.
  • Beyond “Supportive”:

    When acknowledging your spouse’s support,
    go beyond a simple statement.

    Explain how their act of taking out the trash
    allowed you a peaceful start to your day.

    Express your deep appreciation
    for their thoughtfulness
    and how it contributes to your overall well-being.

The Secret Ingredient: Specificity is Your Superpower!

The more details you include,
the easier it becomes to connect with your emotions
and express genuine gratitude.

Think about it:
a specific memory
creates a more vivid picture in your mind,
sparking a stronger emotional response.

Tip #4: Unleash Your Inner Gratitude Rockstar!

Gratitude journaling is a personal journey.

Don’t be afraid to break free from the mold
and personalize your experience!

Here are some ways to
unleash your inner gratitude rockstar:

  • Track Your Wellbeing:

    At the end of each day,
    assess your physical and emotional state.
    Are you feeling energized, calm, or slightly overwhelmed?

    Tracking these fluctuations
    can help you identify areas of gratitude
    and areas that might need some extra TLC.
  • Prompts as Springboards:

    Daily prompts can be a fantastic starting point,
    but don’t be afraid
    to let them take you on a journey!

    Use them as a springboard
    to share your own thoughts, memories, or opinions.


There are no hard and fast rules.

The key is to find a practice
that resonates with you
and allows gratitude to flow freely.

With a little creativity and these tips,
your gratitude journal
will become a vibrant wellspring of joy,
enriching your life and perspective in countless ways.
Now, go forth and cultivate a heart brimming with gratitude!


The Five-Minute Journal won’t solve all your problems overnight.

However, it can be a powerful tool for self-discovery, personal growth, and positive change.

Think of it as a tiny compass,
gently guiding you towards a more fulfilling and joyful life.

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