Is there any “right” way to do affirmation?
any effective way ?
I will put a quick steps below about the effective way to do affirmation.
The key is to use your sense
I broke down into 5 steps.
Let’s dive-in.
1. Have your script in front of you
Let’s ensure that you put your affirmation write down on the paper. (digital is fine).
2. Read it
When you read, you should user your own voice.
3. See it
- You envision the state that you just have read verbal.
- if helpful, have Vision Board with you to get visual assistant.
4. Feel it
You should deeply experience the feeling written in the script
5. Perform minimum twice a day (morning and night)
- You can record the script with you own voice, and listen to it while you nap or going to sleep.
- If possible, you can do daytime as well.
Hope this information will help your positive daily life 🙂
You can also refer these articles.
You can refer below articles for more Affirmation Quotes !